I took some pictures to experiment with for my digipack, if they are sucessful i will plan on using some or all in either my cd front cover and back cover or my magazine advertisment. I have taken some and edited and these are what they look like.

This was an adaptation on the previous one but this time i edited in Thomas Townsend on the front, as he is in the video so the auidience would recognise him, he also appeals to the specific target audience which the song is aimed at. I eddited him so he was black and white and played with the contrast untill he looked this dynamic.

This was an example that was getting more to what i wanted for my final result. I googled a picture of a white brick wall, and pasted it on photoshop, i editied it so it looke washed out faded to give the picture a casual, laid back look. i then went on a website www.dafont.com and copied and pasted a url ofa font that i thought looked like the style i wanted my digipack to look. The font i chose was this, i believe it looks bold but computerised which makes the image appeal more to the target audience, it looks slightly like graffiti but more dynamic. I canged the size and width of the font and placed it when i felt looked best. Not directly in the middle to give it a more edgy look. I then copied the previous image of the film rail with the pictures of Tom and i in and pasted it on this image. i put it like this so it looks like its hanging off the page, curling over. This also makes the overall image not look to perfect.

This was an experiment i tested and in result really liked. I felt as the song is called photobooth i wanted to link a similarity in somewhere whether it be the idea of a passport photo style of a rail of film like this. I went on google and found a rail of film picture. The image originally had another couple in the frame, i went on photoshop and deleted their pictures and replaced them with my own. This was really tricky as i had to adjust the shape, the size and the measurements. I finaly did this satisfactory and added in my pictures to the blank squares in the middle whee i had previously deleted the other pictures. I then warped the entire image and shaped in to the specificstyle, i did this as i felt i would be able to do more with it, i could hang it over the page or have it going across the page. The image was allready black and white, so i just enhanced the contrast to make the final result look more dynamic.

This i felt was a little better as it was in black and white which suddenly made the image seem more dingy looking which linked with the genre more/ i also zoomed in with the original picture and made the tree look more upfront, this fille the full pageso i didnt think there would be much point in adding anything else too extreme. The image is still plain bt the tree i feel looks mysterious and slightly edgy, this could be a positive thing, but i feel does make the image look slightly gothic moe than indie which isnt quite what i was looking for. To do this i simply changed the color contrast and made the whites whiter and the darks darker.

This is just a simple picture of clouds. I took this and edtited only slightly to enhance the colors and the brightness to represent happy times. I thought it was simple and i could easily add a title and other information on the front without over doing the entire thing. However i did feel this didnt exactly link with the genre of the song.
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